OK. I like to do a lot of things. Often at the same time. Often, this time is not appropriate. It is fun though! Feel free to take a look.
And all kind of imagined story reading, really. Comics, webtoons, mangas... Favorite per style: Sanderson, Colossale, Always Human.
An acronym for tabletop roleplaying games: basically, a bunch of grown-up adults get together and imagine stories of mighty knights and vicious dragons (or the opposite). Incredibly fun, makes up for some of my best laughs and fondest memories.
I never really played the old 'pa Dungeons and Dragons, mostly diving in custom systems created by the amazing François Stransky – if you are in Paris and would like to try TTRPGs out, contact me to contact him! Also took a look at other published systems: Unknown Armies for some urban magic in modern society, Lancer for futuristic Gundam-style mecha battles, ERA for one-on-one RPGs...
Tabletop games
Much tied to TTRPGs, tabletop games extend much further than the well-known Monopoly or Risk (which are almost universally despised in the tabletop community). Want some quick reflexion games ? The Crew, Regicide are card-based cooperative gems. Splendor, Akropolis, Patchwork are played in 20 to 40 minutes, and incredible games to discover the hobby – a favorite of mine in this time length is Race for the Galaxy. For longer games, Terraforming Mars holds a special place at the top, whereas my personal best game of all times is Spirit Island, a 2-hour hardcore cooperative game where you will help an island to repel somme ill-intentioned invaders. But really, tabletop games come in all shapes and sizes, adaptable to everyone.
I even tried some game designing, but more on that in the future (maybe)...
Video games
Playing. Competitions, sometimes.
Designing and coding: Unity, then Godot.
All styles. Symphonic, metal, rock, french "variété"... Even playing some piano.